Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Nice mention on IOL

Bring three items and swap it for something new :-) Shopping without the guilt. Email oldstreetline@gmail.com

Monday, 27 February 2012

First swap party @ Van Hunks in Kloof Street

Our first swap party wil take place at Van Hunks restaurant in Kloof Street on Wednesday 29 February from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

Theme: Summer ... was it all a dream? This means you need to bring along items which you can still wear before summer decides to leave us.

Tokens: When you arrive, you'll receive tokens for the items you have brought. You will get time to browse and then later it will all be open to swap. Just hand in your token once you have found what you like.

Items: Bring a mix of things - skirt/dress/top, accessory, hats, scarf, bag. In case someone doesn't find something in their size, they'll have an array of items to choose from.

If you have any questions - email oldstreetline@gmail.com or call 078 257 0355

Let's start swapping!

Swap in the City is about recycling fashion. We hold swap parties in Cape Town ranging from clothes, shoes, books to home decor!

It's a culture where you can shop without forking out any money - where you can swap what you don't wear any more and add new items to your wardrobe.

We're all about sustainability and having fun! Our parties will have themes ranging from books, dresses, suits, shoes to home decor.

If you would like to attend any of our swap parties, email us at oldstreetline@gmail.com or give us a call on 078 257 0355

Let's start swapping!

Check us out on Facebook.com/swapinthemothercity